Relevant design questions
How can we design a new super dike and its landscape to accommodate 1300 new dwellings? See how:…
How can we move, ripen and store 15 Million cubes of lightly polluted dredge and reuse it to form water defenses? See how:…
How can we allow our farmers to build on their allotments without destroying our UNESCO landscape status and how do we translate that into planning policy? See how:…
How can we develop a public space with a really challenging budget to attract visitors to our new visitor’s centre? By the way we have a seriously limited budget? See how:…
How can we develop a public realm with traffic free amenities and a sustainable urban driananges system zone for 200 new houses? This is how:…
How can we develop a refreshing public realm design for a harbour quarter that reflects the values of ‘cheap but sexy’ in our development strategy. By the way we need phase one ready for tender in four to five weeks? This is how:…
How can we defend our towns and villages from flooding water without blocking our river fronts? This is how:…
How can we redesign our forts, brides and infrastructure along 67km to create an homogenous, functional, affordable, and recognizable landscape park? This is how:…
How can we design a small local park to accommodate 400 parking spaces and 6 new 14 storey towers? This is how:…
How do we integrate our port more with the city centre, recognize public sentiment and develop synergy with city’s regional infrastructure? This is how: In our area a vision for new housing, we have a serious water management problem, we have developing businesses, we are too afraid to invest, we have no recreational network and we don’t trust local and provincial government? This is how:…
We own 17 forts and own and maintain large areas of land around these forts, but we need to get a grip on what makes them special for future development?…
We want to renovate a discarded bunker defense system and use it for nature and recreation. It’s 10 ha and we have a limited budget?…
We bought a site and knocked down some old buildings now we want to build new houses for wealthy individuals, but it’s a sensitive, historical protected site. Can you see if it’s possible?…
We have a 400 year old estate with many different buildings in need of repair. Can you develop a plan for the next 20 -30 years? We want to change the water management as well? This is how:…
We’re building a new provincial roadway and just realised we haven’t a vision for the landscape ? Can you develop a design and ok with 6 different local governments. This is how:
We just moved a provincial roadway and discovered there’s a great big tank defense under it that we can’t budge. Now we want to make a parking space for a local restaurant owner but can’t move the bloody thing? Can you come up with a plan?…
We have a national a landscape and want a clear programme to direct future funds into. Can you develop a map with the quality team that shows what and where? There is also a new highway, a highway junction and a major bridge to be built. Can you look at how these can be better integrated into the landscape?…
How can we store toxic dredge in a depot a then re use the depot for nature development, recreation or living? This is how:…
How do we develop a housing scheme for an area and give it an informal, village feeling? This is how:…